Training cover

Principles of Neonatal Ventilation Module


Vyaire Medical


· 4732 Avis

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This compilation of webinar replays addresses the ‘Principles of Neonatal Ventilation’ and will cover lung protective strategies for the neonate, errors and adverse events related to mechanical ventilation and non-invasive respiratory support for infants with increased work of breathing.

These webinars will discuss:

  • Mechanical ventilators in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), allowing clinicians to support and control their patients’ oxygenation and ventilation
  • Different modalities of ventilation, including Conventional Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (IMV), High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) and non-invasive modes such as Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) and High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT)
  • The risks associated with mechanical ventilation and various strategies that clinicians can use to deliver lung protective ventilation for the neonate
  • A tailored approach for different neonatal conditions to reduce the risk of lung injury, optimize ventilatory support and minimize the errors and complications associated with IMV.
  • NIV as an established treatment for the management of infants with elevated work of breathing and respiratory distress syndrome.

Improving outcomes for neonates and infants receiving non-invasive ventilation

Lung Protective Ventilation in the Neonate


Errors and Adverse Events Related to Mechanical Ventilation in the Neonate

Chapter 1 : Lung Protective Ventilation Strategies of the Neonate – Gianluca Lista

Chapter 2 : Errors and Adverse Events related to Mechanical Ventilation in the Neonate – Gianluca Lista

Chapter 3 : NIV - Improving outcomes for neonates and infants receiving non-invasive ventilation – Padmanabhan Ramnarayan and Amy Hunter

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Dr. Gianluca Lista Pédiatrie
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Amy Hunter Lead Educator
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Dr. Padmanabhan Ramnarayan Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant
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