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Towards biomarkers-driven rehabilitation robots for the upper limbs.



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This webinar will review existing innovative devices and then show future developments integrating biomarkers from the EMG signal to develop new robotic devices for both amputees and stroke patients.

Ce webinar fera le point sur les dispositifs innovants existants puis montrera les évolutions à venir intégrant les biomarqueurs issus du signal EMG pour développer de nouveaux dispositifs robotiques tant pour les amputés que pour les AVC.

This webinar is intended for an audience interested in innovations in the field of robotics in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Ce webinar est destiné à un public intéressé par les innovations dans le domaine de la robotique en médecine physique et de réadaptation.

13.30 (12.30 London time zone) Joe Green (Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist) will be available to present on the MyoPro. Title: The MyoPro: Harnessing Patient EMG's for Assistance and Restorative Therapy

13.45 (12.45 London time zone) Amy Dennis-Jones (Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist) will present. Title: Cyberdyne Single Joint Type: Using Bioelectrical Signals to Manage Tone with the Goal of Improving Muscle Selectivity and Strength.

14.00 (13.00 London time zone) Anna Poswiata (PhD Clinical Manager Egzotech), Timothée Hougron (Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist) Olivier Rémy-Néris (MD Phd Professor of PMR). The LunaEMG robot. How to manage rehabilitation with EMG biofeedback.

14.30 (13.30 London time zone) Matthieu Guemann (PhD Physical therapist, Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute) Towards bio-inspired sensory-motor control of upper limb myoelectric prostheses

15.00 (14.00 London time zone) Dr Dalin Zhou, Prof. Yinfeng Fang, Dr. Udeshika Dissanayake (University of Portsmouth) Electrical manifestation of muscle group triggering in post-stroke upper-limb rehabilitation.

15.30 (14.30 London time zone) Discussion

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Discover EMG driven robotic devices

Discover the role of AI (artificial intelligence) for future robots in physical medicine

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Speaker Avatar
Prof. Yinfeng Fang Professor
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Dalin Zhou Senior Lecturer
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Udeshika Dissanayake PhD Research Associate
Speaker Avatar
Joe Green Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist
Speaker Avatar
Amy Dennis-Jones Specialist neurological physiotherapist
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Anna Poswiatta Clinical manager
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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Médecine physique et de réadaptation



Ingénieur Biomedical

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Amr C.



Grace K.


The content is of vital importance to inform our organisation where we are at with the AiBle Interreg Project, Exoskeleton for the upper limb. As a member of the group, this is a way of networking so that we know where to go next. Well presented and focussed.


Ivet K.



Julie D.



Fabrice P.



Marisca T.


Thank you, very interesting session. It gave me more to think about. I'm wondering what are the opportunities for more experience to implement these into my current practice? I'm already doing the Hobbs rehab online training, but I'm really hoping to get more hands on experience as well.

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