Training cover

WEBINAR : Orthopaedic Pre and Post-operative challenges of oedema management



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· 23 Avis

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300 places par session


The future role of geko a Neuromuscular Electrostimulation device in reducing oedema through both improving and supporting patients rehabilitation and recovery.


-Dr Jason Snibbe will talk about his experience using geko Post operatively to control oedema following Total knee athroplasty, as part of a patients recovery program and HIP and knee replacement surgery

-Mr Paul Baker will talk about his experience integrating the geko into his clinical practice. This follows his published study on the use of geko in ORIF patients for pre-operative oedema which lead to reducing the time for these patients to be theatre ready vs Standard of care.


orthopaedic surgeon, traumatologist, physiotherapist, sports doctor