International Workshop on Unilateral and Bilateral Laryngeal Reinnervation
900,00 € - 1 600,00 €
20 rue Marie Curie, 76000, Rouen, France
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À propos
18 places par session
International Workshop on Unilateral and Bilateral Laryngeal Reinnervation
Organised by the Medical Training Center, Rouen
May 30th - 31st, 2022
- Prof. Jean-Paul Marie, ENT surgeon, Rouen, France
- Dr. Yakubu Karagama, ENT surgeon, London, England
- Dr. Kate Heathcote, ENT surgeon, Poole, England
- Dr. Aude Lagier, ENT surgeon, Liège, Belgium
- Dr. Frédéric Crampon, ENT surgeon, Rouen, France
- Dr. Jean Selim, anaesthesiologist, Rouen, France
- Auditorium, and dissection rooms, Medical Training Center (MTC), 20 rue Marie Curie, 76000 Rouen, Normandy, France.
- Also available online. Click here to register to the online session
Audience Limited to certified ENT specialists
Monday May 30th
8am Welcome and registration
8:30am - 9am Talks
- Anatomy and physiology of the larynx, applied to laryngeal reinnervation (Aude Lagier, 15’)
- Technique of the non-selective unilateral reinnervation (ansa recurrent technique) in unilateral vocal fold paralysis (Jean-Paul Marie 10’)
- Presentation of Case n°1 (Jean-Paul Marie 5’)
9am - 10:45am Surgery from the OR: Unilateral non selective reinnervation (ansa recurrent technique): Kate Heathcote and Aude Lagier, with interaction from the Auditorium: Yakubu Karagama, JP Marie.
***Coffee break***
11am - 12pm Talks
- Results of the ansa-recurrent technique and indications (Jean-Paul Marie 10’)
- Ansa-recurrent: UK experience (K Heathcote, Y Karagama 10’)
- Discussion (live and visio conference) (10’)
- History and Principle of Selective laryngeal reinnervation in bilateral vocal fold paralysis (Jean-Paul Marie 15’)
- Laryngeal diplegia, etiology, evaluation and LEMG (Jean-Paul Marie 10’)
- Case n°2 presentation (Jean-Paul Marie 5’)
12pm - 1pm Surgery from the OR: Evaluation of diplegia with LEMG in case of laryngeal reinnervation (JP Marie & Jean Selim), with interaction from the Auditorium: Kate Heathcote and Aude Lagier
2pm - 3:15pm Talks
- Anesthesiology for diplegia (Jean Selim 15’)
- Anatomy of the hypoglossal branches: ansa and XII TH (Frédéric Crampon 15’)
- Anatomy and physiology of the phrenic nerve (Jean-Paul Marie 15’)
- Technique of Bilateral and Selective laryngeal reinnervation (Jean-Paul Marie 15’)
- Nerve sutures (Jean-Paul Marie 10’)
3:15pm - 3:30pm Group determination and travel to Dissection Lab and Microsurgery Lab in the MTC
3:30 - 5:45pm Hands on - Group 1: Cervical anatomy, dissection (Aude Lagier, K Heathcote, Y Karagama, F Crampon); Group 2: Nerve sutures(JP Marie, Charles Maquet, P Charnavel).
6pm - 7pm For all, from the Auditorium: Synthesis, discussion
*** 8pm - Dinner (optional - cost is approx. € 60 / person)***
Tuesday May 31st 8am - 10am Hands on. Group 2: Cervical anatomy, dissection (K Heathcote, Y Karagama, JP Marie, F Crampon); Group 1: Nerve sutures (JP Marie, Charles Maquet, P Charnavel).
10:15am - 1pm: Surgery from the OR: Bilateral selective reinnervation. Nerve identification. Intralaryngeal dissection (Kate Heathcote, Aude Lagier). Auditorium: Yakubu Karagama, JP Marie
***11am Coffee break (during the procedure)***
*** Lunch***
2pm - 4pm Surgery from the OR: Bilateral selective reinnervation. Nerve sutures (JP Marie). Auditorium: Kate Heathcote, Aude Lagier, Y Karagama
4pm - 6:&5pm Talks
- Location of the motor endplates inside the PCA (Aude Lagier 10’)
- Bilateral reinnervation, results and indications (Jean-Paul Marie 20’)
- Discussions(30’)
6:15pm - 6:30pm Closing remarks
Ce que vous allez apprendre
Learn about the indications and techniques of reinnervation in uni and bilateral laryngeal paralysis
Hypoglossal nerve branches anatomy
Intralaryngeal anatomy of recurrent laryngeal nerve and branches
Anatomy of phrenic nerve roots
Nerve Suture
900,00 € - 1 600,00 €
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