Contrast-Enhanced Mammography (CEM): clinical applications in oncology
70,00 €

À propos
What can you expect from this webinar?
Contrast-enhanced Mammography (CEM) is being increasingly used in routine practice. Using a panel of clinical cases, we will illustrate its main indications and its contribution to oncological diagnosis and therapeutic management. We will focus on the diagnostic setting, including work-up of suspicious findings on mammography and/or Ultrasound, determination of the initial tumour extent, evaluation of response to systemic treatment, aiding preoperative lesion localisation and diagnosing cancer recurrence. The clinical performance of CEM is discussed in comparison with conventional Mammography and Ultrasound, and with breast MRI.
• CEM is an advanced application of digital mammography (DM) that brings functional information to mammography
• Clinical advantages: widespread availability, immediate complement to unresolved mammography and/or ultrasound (US) findings
• For patients: well accepted, well tolerated (preferred modality compared to breast MRI), limited irradiation, short examination time. Contra indication similar to contrast-enhanced CT scanner: iodine intolerance, renal failure
• For radiographers: familiar technique, quick training and implementation
• Demonstrative images for oncologists and surgeons
• Studies show high diagnostic performance (i.e. > to DM and/or US ; similar to MRI). The modality has proved valuable for decision making in routine practice, especially in the preoperative setting (cancer staging)
• In many instances, a valuable alternative modality to breast MRI
In this webinar:
• 11 detailed clinical cases illustrated with multi-modality, high quality images
• Take home messages supported by scientific references
Radiologists (graduate, fellows or residents), Radiographers, Breast surgeons, gynecologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists
Ce que vous allez apprendre
Learn about the utility of CEM for breast cancer diagnosis and management
Learn about the advantages and limitations of CEM compared to breast MRI
Learn about some particular features of CEM to be aware of for interpretation
70,00 €