Horus Webinar Cornea Oedeem: "Practical views on corneal oedema therapy: Tips & Tricks"
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500 places par session
2 Crédits CME
As this event is reserved for healthcare professionals, you will be asked to enter your medical ID (RIZIV, INAMI or BIG) in the field named "RPPS" when you register.
Three specialist in corneal diseases of NIIOS will share tips and tricks about treatment of corneal edema. They will do this using case reports of patients and go into detail when it comes to pre- and post operational treatment, how to treat corneal edema in patients.
Learn how to be better dealing with corneal edema in patients by tips & trics from daily practice.
Ophthalmologists and ocular nurses with an interest in corneal edema.
19:15 uur: Digitale ontvangst en welkom
19:30 - 20:40 uur: Aanvang Webinar
° (ENG) Pre-and postoperative corneal oedema : Case Reports
Dr. Isabel Dapena (NIIOS Rotterdam)
° (ENG) Corneal oedema in patients: Case Reports
Dr. Viridiana Kocaba (NIIOS Rotterdam)
° (ENG) How to treat corneal oedema: Case Reports
Dr. Keamela Vasanthananthan (NIIOS Rotterdam)
20:40 – 21:00 uur: Wetenschappelijke vragenronde.
Dr. Isabel Dapena (NIIOS Rotterdam)
21:00 uur: Einde
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