Understanding et Managing Hyperpigmentation

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35 minutes
The Skin Alliance Forum medical conference was broadcasted live on the L’Oréal Dermatological Beauty Pro website , during the 3 days of the event in october.
Discover the session hosted by T. Passeron, MD (FR), F. Bernerd, PhD
✅ New insights in the physiopathology of hyperpigmentation and clinical impact
27 min - by T. Passeron, MD (FR), F. Bernerd, PhD (FR)
- Skin pigmentation
- Melanogenesis
- Beyond melanocyte, the role of fibroblasts
- Beyond melanocyte, the role of vascularization
- Beyond melanocyte, the role of inflammation and immune cells
✅ What did you learn? 8 questions to test your knowledge
?Obtain a score of 80% to receive your certificate of attendance
✅ Watch other replays on the same theme
- New insights in the physiopathology of hyperpigmentation and clinical impact - 27 min - by T. Passeron, MD (FR), F. Bernerd, PhD (FR)
- New topical agent for hyperpigmentation management - 23 min - by P. Sextius, PhD (FR), D. Kerob, MD (FR)
✅ Discover the other 15 replays
- Advancing acne research
- Understanding and managing Hyperpigmentation
- Supporting Skin Health access worldwide
- Improving worldwide Photoprotection
- Unraveling the Complexities of Dry Skin and Mature Xerosis
- Exploring the Integrative Health
- Pioneering Advances in Microbiome Dermatological Research
- etc..
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