Conservative Management of Hemorrhoidal Disease: Global Findings from the CHORALIS real-world study
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Welcome to the international Webinar presenting the results of the CHORALIS study, a prospective, international, observational study that asseses Conservative Treatments Effectiveness in acute phase of Hemorrhoidal Disease.
This webinar will be presented by :
- Prof. P. Godeberge - International Coordinator – France
- Prof. Z. Csiki - Hungary
- Prof. A. Amir – Saudi Arabia
- Prof. I. Konaté - Senegal
Ce que vous allez apprendre
The main physical characteristics and lifestyle factors of patients with hemorrhoids
The typical signs and symptoms of patients with hemorrhoids.
The impact of hemorrhoids on patients' quality of life.
The real-world treatments prescribed for hemorrhoids in various geographical contexts.
The effectiveness of treatments on the signs, symptoms, and QoL, and satisfact
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