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Quizzivox : 20 years later, a TAVI Odyssey


Quizzivox : le rendez-vous quotidien des curieux


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05 minutes


From the groundbase of the TAVI to its international settlement, test your knowledge of the story of Pr. Alain Cribier, the French cardiologist who saved 400.000 lives

In 2002, a medical revolution was engineered by Pr. Alain Cribier from the University Hospital of Rouen , in Normandy : TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement). The idea was to replace a defective aortic valve with a prosthesis without any invasive surgery. This is to say without involving any surgery requiring an open sternum, nor to a cardiopulmonary bypass during the intervention.

TAVI offers several advantages :

- It allows the M.D. to treat patients in a less invasive manner than with a classic heart surgery.

- Therefore, it shortens the hospitalization whilst avoiding the resuscitation block often necessary with classic heart surgery.

Exactly like the classic surgery, the TAVI eases the patient’s symptoms since it immediately replaces the aortic valve, which gives the patient a better life quality and expectancy.

“Always persevere, never discourage yourself, and face criticism, which can often be mentally challenging ! In the end, we get to enjoy incredible satisfactions" 

Alain Cribier

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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Cardiologie et maladies vasculaires

Cardiologie et maladies vasculaires - Cardiologie interventionnelle

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