Training cover

Robotic Kidney Transplantation - Advanced 2-Day Course

2 750,00 € - 3 750,00 €


Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique

Orsi Academy


· 826 Avis

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À propos

4 places par session


Orsi Academy offers an Advanced 2-Day Course in Robotic Kidney Transplantation for urologists with advanced robotic skills who want to master the robotic surgery approach in renal transplantation.

Proctored by top-experts Dr. Alberto Breda, Dr. Angelo Territo and Prof. Dr. Karel Decaestecker.

The masterclass consists of 2 days of extensive hands-on wet-lab training. Please not that in comparison to the 3-day masterclass there is no live case observation included in this 2-day course.

After completion, participants receive a Orsi Academy certificate endorsed by ESU and acknowledged by NASCE/UEMS.

Morning: introduction

  • Welcome & introduction to the course
  • Presentation on the robotic approach in renal transplantation
  • Anastomosis test in the Orsi lab

Afternoon: hands-on training

  • Beginner: renal artery & vein implant technique on isolate kidney model
  • Advanced: robotic-assisted kidney transplantation on a porcine model starting with preparing the iliac vessels followed by preparing a harvest donor kidney.

19:00 Social dinner at a restaurant in Ghent (subject to change)

Hands-on training

  • Beginner: a donor nephrectomy followed by the full robotic-assisted kidney transplantation technique on a porcine model.
  • Advanced: a robot-assisted kidney transplantation on a porcine model with multiple isolated kidneys in order to reproduce the transplant techniques.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

You will learn how to prepare the iliac vessels and the bladder for anastomosis.

You will learn how to properly prepare the kidney for transplantation.

You will learn how to position the patient and how to place the trocars.

You will learn how to prepare the retroperitoneal pouch.

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Dr. Alberto Breda Urologie
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Prof. Karel Decaestecker AZ Maria Middelares, Ghent, BE
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Dr. Angelo Territo Urologist
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Prof. Karel Decaestecker Head of Clinics, Urology, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
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Chirurgie robotique

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  • Robotic Kidney Transplantation - Advanced 2-Day Course

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