Robotic Urology - from Basic to Procedural Skills - RARP or RAPN
9 454,00 € - 11 440,00 €
Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique
Afficher les détails pratiques

À propos
8 places par session
38 Crédits CME
This course is the first validated training curriculum in urological robotic surgery worldwide!
Orsi Academy offers a 5-day course in Robotic Urology for robot-naïve urology fellows, residents and surgeons who want to learn to perform:
- a robot-assisted radical prostatectomy / RARP (option A) or
- a robot-assisted partial nephrectomy / RAPN (option B)
Through hands-on training on live animal tissue, theoretical lectures & live surgery broadcast you will learn the basic & procedural robotic skills following the proficiency-based progression learning methodology.
When applying for the course, please indicate if you would like to follow the RARP (option A) or RAPN training (option B) pathway.
This is a beginner course for robot-naïve urology surgeons who want to learn to perform a robot-assisted prostatectomy or robot-assisted partial nephrectomy independently and effectively.
Ce que vous allez apprendre
You will learn to perform a RARP independently and effectively (option A).
You will learn to perform a RAPN independently and effectively (option B).

08:30 - 08:45
Welcome at Orsi
08:45 - 13:00
Hands-on training at Orsi Skills Lab
• Basic device training on da Vinci platform
• Practical activity
• Docking and undocking/emergency docking
13:00 - 13:45
13:45 - 17:00
Hands-on training at Orsi Skills Lab
• Introduction to proficiency-based progression training
• Presentation of the chicken model
• S&KT task, dissection & coagulation task
17:00 -
End of day 1 - transfer to hotel
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Chirurgie robotique
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- Chat disponible en bas à gauche
9 454,00 € - 11 440,00 €
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