RAWS24 Pre-congress HOT course
1 050,00 € - 1 270,00 €
Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique
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À propos
12 places par session
ArFiCo and Orsi Academy offer a 1-day hands-on training on porcine model prior the RAWS2024 congress. This course is intended for both beginner general surgeons and experts, offering two different robotic platforms :
- da Vinci (Intuitive) - 6 spots
- Hugo RAS (Medtronic) - 6 spots
When applying for this course, please indicate your level of experience and your preferred robotic platform to train.
Based on your previous experience, participants will be divided into either a basic hands-on course (groin and non-complex ventral hernias) or an advanced course (robotic TAR).
Proctored by top-expert Dr. Filip Muysoms, Dr. Maaike Vierstraete, Dr. Nico Quezada & Dr. Conrad Ballecer!
! DISCOUNT: Participants of this course enjoy a 50% discount on their registration fee for the RAWS23 congress on May 9 & 10.

08:30 - 09:30
Lectures: introduction to the course & the porcine model
• Anatomy of minimal invasive groin hernia repair - Dr. Nico Quezada
• Porcine robotic groin hernia repair model - Dr. Maaike Vierstraete
• Anatomy of robotic TAR - Dr. Conrad Ballecer
• Porcine roboTAR model - Dr. Filip Muysoms
09:30 - 09:45
Coffee break & change into OR scrubs
09:45 - 12:30
Hands-on training in the Orsi skills lab
• da Vinci training lab (3 stations) - Dr. Conrad Ballecer & Dr. Maaike Vierstraete
• Hugo RAS training lab (3 stations) - Dr. Nico Quezada & Dr. Filip Muysoms
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 16:00
Continue hands-on training
• da Vinci training lab (3 stations) - Dr. Conrad Ballecer & Dr. Maaike Vierstraete
• Hugo RAS training lab (3 stations) - Dr. Nico Quezada & Dr. Filip Muysoms
16:00 -
End of the course
Public cible
L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :
Chirurgie générale
Chirurgie robotique
Certains pré-requis sont nécessaires pour assister à l’évènement :
- The trainee has previous experience with da Vinci or Hugo RA
Contactez l’équipe Invivox
Discussion instantanée
- Chat disponible en bas à gauche
1 050,00 € - 1 270,00 €
Cet évènement n'est plus disponible