Training cover

Robotic Assisted Sacrocolpopexy - Advanced Course

3 085,00 € - 3 733,00 €


Proefhoevestraat 12,

12 Proefhoevestraat, 9090, Melle, Belgique


4 novembre 2025
08:30 17:00

Orsi Academy


· 877 Avis

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À propos

4 places par session


Join us for the Orsi Academy Advanced Course in Robotic-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy, designed to provide an in-depth understanding and practical experience in this advanced surgical procedure. Led by Dr. Steven Schraffordt Koops, this one-day course aims to comprehensively cover the essential surgical skills required for performing robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

The aim is to comprehensively cover advanced level surgical skills in robotic assisted

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Dr. Steven Schraffordt Koops Urogynaecologist, Meander Medical Center, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
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08:30 - 08:45

Arrival at Orsi Academy, coffee & introduction

08:45 - 09:45

Lecture on objectives in robotic assisted sacrocolpopexy

- Patient positioning
- Port placement
- Instrument and accessory considerations
- Anatomy
- Hysterectomy/Hysteropexy or subtotal hysterectomy
- Dissection:
- Rectovaginal
- Vesicovaginal
- Presacral
- Mesh selection & management
- Suturing techniques
- Anterior & posterior vaginal fixation techniques
- Sacral fixation (ProTack device, etc.)
- Evaluation & adjustment of mesh tension
- Specimen retrieval (power morcellation, in-bag Peritoneal method)
- Managing complications
- Injury management
- Complex case management
- Combined procedures
- Case discussion via video

09:45 - 10:30

Change into scrubs

10:45 - 13:00

Hands-on session on human cadaver model

- Port placement, patient positioning, and docking
- Partial hysterectomy/tubectomy
- Dissection of the promontory
- Dissection of the planes around the rectum and vagina (posteriorly)
- Dissection of the anterior vaginal wall/bladder

13:00 - 13:45

Lunch at the Orsi restaurant

13:45 - 17:00

Continue hands-on in human cadaver model

- Mesh fixation on the posterior vaginal wall
- Mesh fixation on the anterior vaginal wall
- Promontory mesh fixation
- Closure of the peritoneum
- Removal of uterus/tubes

17:00 -

End of the course

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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :


Gynécologie médicale

Certains pré-requis sont nécessaires pour assister à l’évènement :

  • Proficiency in the “buttonology” of the robotic system
  • Adequate simulator training
  • Experience in robotic-assisted urology or gynecology procedures (approximately 40 cases)
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