Training cover

RAWS23 Pre-congress HOT course

1 000,00 €


Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique

Orsi Academy


· 826 Avis

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12 places par session


ArFiCo and Orsi Academy offer a 1-day hands-on training on porcine model prior the RAWS2023 congress. This course is intended for both beginner general surgeons and experts, offering two different robotic platforms.

  • Robotic TAR on Intuitive da Vinci surgical system for surgeons with extensive experience in robotic hernia repair.
  • Robotic groin hernia repair on Medtronic Hugo™ RAS for surgeons with beginner experience
When applying for this course, please indicate whether you are a beginner or experienced surgeon.

Proctored by top-expert Dr. Filip Muysoms, Dr. Maaike Vierstraete, Dr. David Chen & Dr. Conrad Ballecer!

DISCOUNT: Participants of this course enjoy a 50% discount on their registration fee for the RAWS23 congress on June 1 & 2.

08:30 - 16:00 | Full day of hands-on training on porcine model at Orsi Academy

08:30 - 09:30 | Lectures: introduction to the course & the porcine model

  • Anatomy of minimal invasive groin hernia repair Dr. David Chen
  • Porcine robotic groin hernia repair model Dr. Maaike Vierstraete
  • Anatomy of robotic TAR Dr. Conrad Ballecer
  • Porcine roboTAR model Dr. Filip Muysom

09:30 - 09:45 | Coffee break and change to OR scrubs

09:45 - 12:30 | Start hands-on training in the Orsi training labs

  • Robotic TAR in da Vinci training lab Dr. Conrad Ballecer & Dr. Maaike Vierstraete
  • Robotic groin hernia repair in Hugo RAS training lab Dr. David Chen & Dr. Filip Muysoms

12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch at Orsi restaurant

13:30 - 16:00 | Continu hands-on training

  • Continue Robotic TAR in da Vinci training lab Dr. Conrad Ballecer & Dr. Maaike Vierstraete
  • Robotic ventral hernia repair by TARUP in Hugo RAS training lab Dr. David Chen & Dr. Filip Muysoms

16:00 | End of the course

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Dr. Filip Muysoms Abdominal Wall Surgeon, AZ Maria Middelares Gent
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Dr. Maaike Vierstraete Surgical resident PhD applicant robotic hernia surgery at UZ Gent
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Dr. David Chen Professor of clinical surgery. Director of Liechtenstein Amid Hernia Clinic. Chief of general surgery UCLA Santa Monica. Vice Chair of Surgery David Geffen school of medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles USA
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Dr. Conrad Ballecer Clinical Assistant Professor of surgery Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix USA
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Chirurgie générale

Chirurgie robotique

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