Hands-On Basic Endoscopic Therapy Course (PART 2)
250,00 €
Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique
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À propos
20 places par session
The Hands-On Endoscopic Therapy Course (PART 2) is a 1-day course organized by the Department of Gastroenterology OLVZ Aalst and endorsed by the Belgian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (BSGIE) at Orsi Academy.
In this second part of the course the focus lies on basic therapy techniques in endoscopy such as polypectomie, argonplasma coagulation, band ligation, submucosal injection and use of clips.
Besides the hands-on experience you will be introduced to many different devices available for endoscopic therapy.
This course is for residents considering to specialize in gastro-enterology. The course serves as an introduction to endoscopy and a basic training program. This part is a follow-up course of the Hands-On Basic Skills Endoscopy Course (PART 1) on June 8, 2024. Nevertheless, you can also take part as a stand-alone course.
Ce que vous allez apprendre
You will improve your basic navigation skills during hands-on gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
You will learn advanced techniques such as biopsy, polypectomy, lifting, injection, clipping, ...
You will receive theoretical information about the different endoscopic materials and coagulation principles.

08:30 -
Welcome & introduction to the course
08:30 - 10:30
Theoretical sessions
• Tools for practical teaching in endoscopy – Dr. Jo Vandervoort (OLV Hospital)
• Presentation by Michaël Segers - Michaël Segers (Olympus)
• Settings and advanced use for electrocoagulation - Stani Ferraiolo (Erbe)
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break & change into scrubs
10:45 - 12:30
Hands-on session - circulation on different stations
• Stations with rectal model – submucosal injection - polypectomy – biopsies
• Station with skills box – scope and tip control
• Station stomach model – foreign body extraction
• Stomach station – step by step band ligation
• OVESCO clip model station
• Stomach station – hemostatic control
• Esophageal stent station – step by step of esophageal stenting
12:30 - 13:15
13:45 - 15:30
Hands-on session
• Stations with rectal model – submucosal injection - polypectomy – biopsies
• Station with skills box – scope and tip control
• Station stomach model – foreign body extraction
• Stomach station – step by step band ligation
• OVESCO clip model station
• Stomach station – hemostatic control
• Esophageal stent station – step by step of esophageal stenting
16:00 -
End of the course
Public cible
L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :
Certains pré-requis sont nécessaires pour assister à l’évènement :
- 1st year fellow in Gastroenterology or 2nd or 3rd year fellow in Internal Medicine
Hands-On Basic Endoscopic Therapy Course (PART 2)
Les avis de vos pairs sur Orsi Academy
Charlotte C. - Médecine interne
Leander C. - Médecine interne
Niki C. - Médecine interne
Kymentie F. - Hepato-Gastro-Entérologie
Marlies M. - Hepato-Gastro-Entérologie
Nika D. - Médecine interne
Contactez l’équipe Invivox
Discussion instantanée
- Chat disponible en bas à gauche
250,00 €
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