Training cover

Robotic Urology - from Basic to Procedural Skills - RARP

9 454,00 € - 11 440,00 €


Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique

Orsi Academy


· 877 Avis

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À propos

8 places par session


38 Crédits CME

This course is the first validated training curriculum in urological robotic surgery worldwide!

Orsi Academy offers a 5-day course in Robotic Prostatectomy for robot-naïve urology fellows, residents and surgeons who want to learn to perform a RARP independently and effectively. Through hands-on training on live animal tissue, theoretical lectures & live surgery broadcast you will learn the basic & procedural robotic skills following the proficiency-based progression learning methodology.

This is a beginner course for robot-naïve urology surgeons who want to learn to perform a robot-assisted prostatectomy independently and effectively.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

You will learn to perform a RARP independently and effectively.

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Speaker Avatar
Prof. Alex Mottrie Head of Urology Department, OLV Hospital Aalst (BE)
Program icon


08:30 -

Welcome at Orsi

08:45 - 13:00

Hands-on training at Orsi Skills Lab

• Basic device training on da Vinci platform by Intuitive
• Practical activity
• Docking and undocking/emergency docking

13:00 - 13:45


13:45 - 17:00

Hands-on training at Orsi Skills Lab

• Introduction to proficiency-based progres¬sion training
• Presentation of the chicken model
• S&KT task, dissection & coagulation task

17:00 -

End of day 1 - transfer to hotel

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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :


Chirurgie robotique

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Les avis de vos pairs sur Orsi Academy


Isabel H. - Urologie



Dalibor Š. - Urologie


Everything was excellent, this was one of best decisions for me to attend.


Ivana R. - Urologie


Thank You for excellent time.


Frederico F. - Urologie


The course contents were only charged at the Orsi Educational Platform during the 3rd day of the course, when they should have been made available before its start. Other than that, everything was perfect. All the staff, especially the instructors, were very competent and friendly.


Meneghetti I. - Urologie


Well done course! Useful and all the staff very kind! recommendend

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