Training cover

HOT Basic & Advanced Robotic Hernia Repair Course

2 730,00 € - 3 303,00 €


Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique


11 mars 2025, 07:45
12 mars 2025, 16:00

Orsi Academy


· 877 Avis

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À propos

4 places par session


12 Crédits CME

ArFiCo and Orsi Academy offer a Basic & Advanced 2-Day Course in Robotic Hernia Repair with hands-on training on live animal tissue for general surgeons with:

  • Beginner robotic skills who want to master the robotic surgery approach in abdominal wall surgery.
  • Advanced robotic skills who want to learn to perform a robot-assisted transversus abdominis release (roboTAR) independently.

Proctored and one-to-one teaching by top-expert Dr. Filip Muysoms!

Please indicate upon registration if you would like to apply for the basic or advanced Robotic Hernia Repair.

NEW YEAR'S DEAL: Register with code ORSINEWYEAR before February 15 & enjoy a 10% discount on the course!

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Understand and perform independently a robotic ventral repair (IPOM, TAPP, TARUP)

Understand and perform independently a robotic groin hernia repair

Step by step approach on ventral hernia repair

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Dr. Filip Muysoms Abdominal Wall Surgeon, AZ Maria Middelares Gent
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07:45 - 16:00

Live case observations

• Meeting point: Atrium, entrance hall of AZ Maria Middelares Hospital Ghent
• Robot-assisted abdominal wall surgery on da Vinci Xi performed by Dr. Filip Muysoms

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Public cible

L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Chirurgie robotique

Chirurgie générale

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