Training cover

Robot-assisted Sacrocolpopexy Course

1 975,00 € - 2 390,00 €


Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique

Orsi Academy


· 826 Avis

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À propos

4 places par session


Orsi Academy offers a 1-Day Course in Robot-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy for urologists and gynaecologists who already master the basics of the robotic surgery approach and who want to improve their skills in RASC.

Proctored by Dr. Steven Schraffordt Koops.

This 1-day masterclass consists of hands-on wet-lab training on chicken & porcine models.

After completion, participants receive a Orsi Academy certificate of attendance.

This course is for urologists and gynaecologists who are trained in the 'buttonology' of the robotic system. Sufficient simulator training and experience in robotic assisted urology and gynaecology sacrocolpopexy procedure are required.

Day 1

08:30 | Arrival at Orsi Academy training centre

08:30 - 08:45 | Welcome, coffee & introduction

Morning lecture

08:45 - 09:45 | Lecture on objectives in robotic assisted sacrocolpopexy

  • Robotic-assisted: why?
  • Patients selection, diagnostics & imaging
  • Patient positioning
  • Port placement
  • Instruments & accessory considerations
  • Anatomy
  • Hysterectomy, hysteropexy or sybtotal hysterectomy?
  • Dissection
  • Rectovaginal
  • Vesicovaginal
  • Pre-sacral
  • Mesh selection & management
  • Suturing techniques
  • Anterior & posterior vaginal fixation technique
  • Sacral fixation
  • Evaluation & adjustment mesh tension
  • Retrieving specimen
  • Managing complications
  • Injury management
  • Combined procedures

09:45 - 10:00 | Change into scrubs

Morning lecture

10:00 - 13:00 | Basic surgical steps of RASC on the Venezuelan chicken model

  • Dissection bladder
  • Mesh fixation on the anterior vaginal wall
  • Mesh fixation on the posterior vaginal wall
  • Promontory mesh fixation

13:00 - 13:45 | Lunch break

13:45 - 17:00 | Hands-on session on porcine model: step-by-step performing RASC

  • Anatomical dissection to create space for mesh implant
  • Mesh fixation on the anterior vaginal wall
  • Mesh fixation on the posterior vaginal wall
  • Promontory mesh fixation
  • Closing the peritoneum

17:00 | Closing remarks

Ce que vous allez apprendre

To comprehensively cover basic surgical skills in robotic assisted sacrocolpopexy procedure

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Speaker Avatar
Dr. Steven Schraffordt Koops Urogynaecologist, Meander Medical Center, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Chirurgie robotique

Gynécologie médicale et obstétrique


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5.0 · 1 Avis

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