Robot-Assisted Radical Cystectomy Course with Different Urinary Diversions
5 165,00 € - 6 250,00 €
12 Proefhoevestraat, 9090, Melle, Belgique
Afficher la carte et les détails pratiques
2 octobre 2025, 08:30

À propos
8 places par session
Orsi Academy offers an Advanced Course in Robot-Assisted Radical Cystectomy for urologists who already master the robotic surgery approach and want to improve their specialized skills with different urinary diversions.
This 2-day masterclass consists of:
- One day of hands-on training focusing on ileal conduit and different neobladders techniques on live animal tissue (porcine model)
- One day of hands-on training focusing on neobladder reconstruction on human cadaver tissue
Medical devices
- Intuitive da Vinci Si robotic platform (4 spots)
- Intuitive da Vinci Xi robotic platform (4 spots)
Members of the European Association of Urology (EAU) benefit a 25% discount on the course fee using the code EAUMEMBER2025. EAU member ID is required!
NEW YEAR'S DEAL: Register with code ORSINEWYEAR before February 15 & enjoy a 10% discount on the course!
Ce que vous allez apprendre
Comprehensively cover basic robot techniques in RARC with different urinary diversions
Different techniques in nerve sparing procedures
Different techniques in conduit creation
Various neobladder reconstructions

08:30 - 08:45
Welcome & introduction to the course
08:45 - 10:00
Theoretical session
Objectives within robot-assisted radical cystectomy and possible urinary diversion:
• Case selection
• Patient set-up and docking
• Port placement and instruments portfolio
• Step-by-step RARC in man
• Ileal conduit vs neobladder
10:00 - 10:15
Coffee break and change into scrubs
10:15 - 13:00
Hands-on session on live animal tissue - ileal conduit
• Training model: anesthetized porcine model
• Simplified Cystectomy
• Isolating the ureters
• Transmesocolic mobilization of ureter
• Ileal loop selection
• Step-by-step ileal conduit (ileo-ileal side-by-side anastomosis)
• Urostomy
• Posterior wallace type plate
• Anterior wall ileo-ureteral anastomosis and use of ICG vascularization
13:00 - 13:45
Lunch at Orsi Restaurant
13:45 - 17:30
Hands-on session on live animal tissue - different neobladders
• Training model: anesthetized porcine model
• Neobladder - Hautmann W
• Neobladder – Studer U
• Neobladder – pyramid pouch
• Neobladder – y -shape
• Neobladder – Padua
17:30 -
End of day
19:00 -
Faculty dinner for faculty and participants
at Ghent city centre
Public cible
L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :
Certains pré-requis sont nécessaires pour assister à l’évènement :
- The trainee has performed at least 10-20 RARC cases with ileal conduit and/or neobladder.
- The trainee has experience with open and/or laparoscopic cystectomy & neobladder.
- The trainee has experience with the intra or extra corporeal diversion technique.
Contactez l’équipe Invivox
Discussion instantanée
- Chat disponible en bas à gauche
5 165,00 € - 6 250,00 €
Prochaine session
2 octobre 2025, 08:30