Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy - Retroperitoneal Approach - Advanced 2-Day Course
3 000,00 €
Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique
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À propos
4 places par session
15 Crédits CME
Orsi Academy offers an Advanced 2-Day Course in Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy for urologists who already master the robotic surgery approach and who want to improve their specialized skills. This course focuses on the retroperitoneal approach.
Proctored by top experts Prof. Dr. Christophe Vaessen & Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie.
This 2-day masterclass consists of live case observations and hands-on wet-lab training on porcine models.
After completion, participants receive a Orsi Academy certificate & CME credits.
The transperitoneal approach is a recommended surgery for tumors that are more anterior and are not easily accessible from the retroperitoneum. Retroperitoneal approach during RAPN could guarantee a more direct access to the kidney and renal hilum without bowel mobilization and an easier access to the lesions located at the level of the posterior face of the kidney. This could lead to a reduction of the operative time, to avoid extensive dissections, and in particular patients could decrease the incidence of perioperative complications.
This course is for urologists with previous experience on the robot, who want to learn or optimize the robot-assisted partial nephrectomy procedure. This course is not for robotic beginners.
Larcher A, De Naeyer G, Turri F, Dell'Oglio P, Capitanio U, Collins JW, Wiklund P, Van Der Poel H, Montorsi F, Mottrie A; ERUS Educational Working Group and the Young Academic Urologist Working Group on Robot-assisted Surgery. The ERUS Curriculum for Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Structure Definition and Pilot Clinical Validation. Eur Urol. 2019 Jun;75(6):1023-1031. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2019.02.031. Epub 2019 Apr 9. PubMed PMID: 30979635.
Day 1 | 08:00 - 17:00 | Live case observation at OLV Hospital Aalst
- Live case observation at OLV Hospital Aalst of complex RAPN cases performed by Prof. Dr. Christophe Vaessen & by Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie with a step-by-step explanation of the retroperitoneal approach.
Lunch at the OLV Hospital Aalst
- Theoretical session with semi-live videos of RAPN cases of both the standard transperitoneal and retroperitoneal procedures.
Day 2 | 09:00 - 17:00 | Hands-on wet lab training at Orsi Academy
- Theoretical introduction on techniques and advanced tips and tricks of RAPN
- Dry-lab training on harvested kidney with focus on the retroperitoneal approach & suturing technique
- Wet-lab training on porcine model: full retroperitoneal RAPN
Ce que vous allez apprendre
Development of the retroperitoneal space
Retroperitoneal RAPN technique
Complication management
Tips and tricks for complex cases
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3 000,00 €
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