Training cover

Hands-on Wrist Arthroscopy Course

2 385,00 €


12 Proefhoevestraat, 9090, Melle, Belgique

Orsi Academy


· 877 Avis

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À propos

16 places par session


Orsi Academy offers a 2-day course in wrist arthroscopy with hands-on training for senior residents in plastic and orthopedic surgery. This course emphasizes mastering the practical aspects of wrist arthroscopy, with a strong focus on hands-on techniques, ensuring participants gain essential skills.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Mastering the practical aspects of wrist arthroscopy

Hands-on techniques in wrist arthroscopy

Speakers icon


Speaker Avatar
Dr. Chul Ki Goorens Hand & Wrist Surgeon, RZ Tienen
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Dr. Bert Vanmierlo AZ Delta Roeselare
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Prof. Jean Goubau AZ Maria Middelares Gent
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Prof. Maarten Van Nuffel UZ Leuven
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Dr. Michiel Cromheecke AZ Maria Middelares Gent
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Dr. Petrus Van Hoonacker AZ Monica
Program icon


08:00 -

Registration at Orsi Academy

08:30 -

Welcoming of the participants

Dr. C. K. Goorens, Dr. B. Vanmierlo

08:35 - 09:30

Theoretical session: Anatomy, technique & radial sided wrist arthroscopy

● Wrist arthroscopy anatomy (8 min.) - Dr. K. Van Royen
● Principles of wrist arthroscopy, technique and portals (8 min.) - Dr. K. Van Royen
● How I remove a dorsal and volar synovial cyst (8 min.) - Dr. L. Van Melkebeke
● How I perform a radial styloidectomy (8 min.) - Dr. L. Van Melkebeke
● How I perform a CMC1 arthroscopy (12 min.) - Prof. dr. J Goubau

09:30 - 12:00

Hands-on session at Orsi skills lab

● Wrist arthroscopy setup
● Application of the portals
● Exploration of the normal wrist joint
● Removal of a foreign body, synovectomy
● Removal of synovial cyst
● Radial styloidectomy
● CMC1 arthroscopy

12:00 - 13:15

Lunch at Orsi Restaurant

13:15 - 14:00

Theoretical session: Ulnar sided wrist arthroscopy

● How to assess the TFCC complex (8 min.) - Prof. Dr. M. Van Nuffel
● How I repair the peripheral TFCC lesion (8 min.) - Dr. P. Van Hoonacker
● How I repair the foveal TFCC lesion (8 min.) - Dr. P. Van Hoonacker
● How I perform the resection of the distal ulna (Wafer) (8 min.) - Prof. dr. M. Van Nuffel

14:00 - 17:00

Hands-on session at Orsi skills lab

● TFCC assessment
● Peripheral TFCC repair
● Foveal TFCC repair
● Wafer procedure

17:00 -

End of day 1

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Public cible

L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie

Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique

Certains pré-requis sont nécessaires pour assister à l’évènement :

  • Basic knowledge of wrist anatomy and arthroscopy
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4.6 · 4 Avis

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