Hands-on Cadaveric Endoscopic Mitral Course | WITH LIVE CASE | proctored by Dr. Frank Van Praet
3 950,00 € - 10 000,00 €
Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090, Melle, Belgique
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À propos
8 places par session
The Hands-On Cadaveric Endoscopic Mitral Course is a 3-day expert course by Aalst Cardiac Academy. Supported by Orsi Academy. Be ready to start your own endoscopic MV program soon. All the tips & tricks leading to a good endoscopic exposure of the mitral valve are key in this training.
Two days of hands-on training on isolated porcine heart models & human cadaver at Orsi Academy and one day of exclusive live case observation at OLV Clinic Aalst should make this course outstanding & unique. This course is for advanced cardiacthoracic surgeons.
Ce que vous allez apprendre
Learn all secrets, technical tips & tricks of endoscopic MV surgery
Start your own mini-mitral program

08:00 -
Live case observations
An exclusive look inside the operating room of Dr. Frank Van Praet
Public cible
L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :
Chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaire
Contactez l’équipe Invivox
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- Chat disponible en bas à gauche
3 950,00 € - 10 000,00 €
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