Benefits of Breast Surgery with Ergonomix2® Implants with Dr. Martínez Padilla
Aurea Clinic,
34 Calle Real, 41950, Castilleja de la Cuesta, Espagne
À propos
6 places par session
Please join Dr. Ana Martínez Padilla in Seville, Spain for a 2-day Masterclass. Dr. Martínez Padilla will share her experience with Motiva® Implants and the newer Ergonomix2® breast implants and her methods for achieving long lasting superior outcomes and tips and tricks on optimizing patient experience while bringing value to your consultation.
Ce que vous allez apprendre
Observe 2 live surgeries
Patient assessment and preoperative planning when using Ergonomix2® implants
Learn surgical tips and techniques using Ergonomix2® Implants
Learn how to archieve long lasting results with Ergonomix2® Implants
Best practices in breast augmentation using Motiva Implants®
Understand key strategies to avoid complications when using SmoothSilk® / SilkSurface® implants
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Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique
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