Training cover

MotivaImagine® Insertion Sleeve - Best Practice- Portuguese


Motiva Medical Education


· 158 Avis

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À propos

05 minutes


Opening sterile package:

1. Assure environment of package opening is

aseptic and cannot be exposed to sponges,

towels or any other surface contaminants

2. Peel open outer package

3. Invert package, allowing inner pouch to gently

fall onto sterile field, or present inner pouch to

scrubbed, gowned and gloved person using

sterile technique

4. Using sterile gloves, open inner pouch and

remove the Insertion Sleeve and

place onto sterile field

5. Unfold sleeve, remove and discard packaging


General technique:

1. Trim distal end of the sleeve using sterile scissors

to an opening large enough so that the implant

can be gently delivered into the surgical pocket

2. Immerse sleeve in a basin of sterile saline solution

to activate the inner slippery surface

3. Load implant into proximal end of sleeve

4. Insert distal end of sleeve into surgical pocket

5. Squeeze proximal end of the sleeve behind

implant and gently guide the implant into pocket

6. Gently remove sleeve

During implant placement the MotivaImagine® Insertion Sleeve limits surrounding breast tissue from interfacing with the implant's sterile shell. The sleeve assists in the safe and easy delivery of the breast implant to the surgical pocket through small incisions.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Optimized handling of the MotivaImagine® Insertion Sleeve in breast implant procedures

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