Training cover

Workshop on Aesthetic Breast Reconstruction - Gadnsk, Poland



Olivia Star,

472 Aleja Grunwaldzka, 80-236, Gdańsk, Pologne

Motiva Medical Education


· 158 Avis

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100 places par session



Join the Aesthetic Breast Reconstruction Workshop featuring Dr. Alexandre Munhoz, Prof. Henryk Witmanowski, Dr. Marek Budner and Dr. Daniel Maliszewski. The workshop includes a first day of lectures followed by a second day showcasing live surgeries.

You will learn about:

  • Implant Surface Relevance
  • DTI vs Two stage reconstruction
  • Shaped vs ergonomic implants
  • Flora Tissue Expander®
  • IMF recreating
  • How to avoid implant lateralization?
  • Implants and radiotherapy?
  • Breast Symmetrisation Surgery
  • Hybrid Breast Reconstruction
  • RFID in MRI - is this a problem?
  • NAC implants


Ce que vous allez apprendre

Increase understanding of the impact surface plays in biocompatibility

How to achieve safe and effective results in Breast Reconstruction

Enhance aesthetic outcomes in 2 stage breast reconstruction using Flora® Tissue Expander and SmoothSilk®

Surgical tips and tricks for the transition of micro textured implants to Ergonomix®

Advanced techniques to minimize complications using Ergonomix® implants

DTI Breast Reconstruction vs. Two-Stage Breast Reconstruction - patient selection and best outcomes

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Dr. Alexandre Munhoz Plastic Surgeon
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Dr. Marek Budner Chief Physician at Helios Clinic Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
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Dr. Daniel Maliszewski Dr.
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Prof. Henryk Witmanowski Reconstructive & Plastic Surgeon
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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique

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