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Interior architectures: a journey to the inside of the human body's tissues and microstructures


Dr Jean-Claude Guimberteau - Endovivo


· 21 Avis

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28 minutes


Inside Architectures" combines scenes from two previous films, Strolling Under the Skin and The Skin Excursion. Drawing on high-definition sequences filmed during surgical procedures using endoscopy, the movie aims to reveal the body’s internal architecture as an ideal network of fibers, fibrils, microfibrils, and microvacuolar spaces that are variably cellularized.

This intricate structure is visible across all levels of magnification, from the mesosphere to the microsphere, allowing form to be both described and interpreted as a cohesive global system.

At the core of this structural framework is the microvacuole—a microvolume that shapes the body, imparting it with unique dynamic properties.

This discovery supports the development of a true structural ontology, with the microvacuole as its fundamental functional unit.

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Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau Plastic surgeon and hand surgeon specialized in microsurgery and replantation
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