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9 Avenue Hoche, 75008, Paris, France

Hôpital Foch


· 1 Avis

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400 places par session


This meeting will be hosted by Pr Jean-Marc AYOUBI who performed the first uterus transplant in France.

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Place: SALONS HOCHE - 9 Avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris



  • How to explore ovarian function? Pr Fady SHARARA (Washington DC)
  • How to explore tubal function? Pr Blandine COURBIERE (Marseille)
  • How to explore the uterus and endometrium? Pr Ernesto BOSCH (IVI Valencia)
  • How to explore testicular function? Pr Herman TOURNAYE (Brussel)
  • Indication for testicular biopsy in male infertility Pr Saturnino LUJAN MARCO (IVI Madrid)


  • State of the art Pr Herman TOURNAYE (Brussel)
  • Paternal age and ART results Dr Paul PIRTÉA (Foch)
  • Role of microbiome Dr Nicolas VULLIEMOZ (Lausanne)
  • Genetics and male infertility Pr Arnold MUNNICH and Dr Achraf BENAMMAR (Foch)
  • Endocrine disruptors and spermatogenesis Pr Rosalie CABRY-GOUBET (Amiens) 


  • The place of genetics Pr Catherine RACOWSKY (Foch)
  • Endometrium: Interest of receptivity assays Pr Antonio PELLICER (IVI Valencia / Rome)
  • Endometrial receptivity, a forgotten concept Pr Samir HAMAMAH (Montpellier)
  • Role of the embryo in ART failures Pr Marine POULAIN (Foch)
  • Immunology and infectious disorders Pr Ettore CICENELLI (Bari)


  • Uterine malformation surgery Pr Jean-Marc AYOUBI (Foch)
  • Intra-uterine surgery and infertility Pr Michel MUELLER (Bern)
  • Fibroid surgery and infertility Pr Hervé FERNANDEZ (Paris)
  • Indications for tubal surgery Dr Marie CARBONNEL (Foch)
  • Endometriosis and infertility: Benefit of Robotic surgery Pr Gaby MOAWAD (Washington DC)
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Prof. Jean-Marc Ayoubi Gynécologie médicale et obstétrique
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Pr Blandine Courbiere Administration de la Santé
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Pr Ernesto Bosch IVI Valence
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Pr Herman Tournaye Chef du Centre de la reproduction Humaine
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Pr Saturnino Lujan Marco IVI Madrid
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Dr Paul Pirtéa Gynécologie Obstétrique Médecine de la Reproduction de l’Hôpital FOCH
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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Gynécologie médicale et obstétrique

Gynécologie médicale

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