Training cover

3rd icv spinal solution, Hands-on Course

600,00 € - 1 000,00 €


laboratoire d'anatomie de l'université de Bordeaux,

Bat TP - RDC Zone Sud, 146 rue Léo Saignat, 33076, BORDEAUX CEDEX, France

Fonds pour l’Innovation en Chirurgie Vertébrale


· 44 Avis

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À propos

35 places par session


Français : Deux journées complètes de formation autour des techniques de chirurgie endoscopique du rachis (Uniportal, UBE, Minimal invasive avec tubes rectracteurs, MIS TLIF) ainsi que sur les déformations rachidiennes et leurs traitements chirurgicaux.

Conférences, discussions autour d'études de cas cliniques et workshop hands on sur 10 sujets anatomiques.

Pauses-café et lunchs sur site inclus.

Cours et workshops seront dispensés en anglais (cours à visée internationale).

English : Two full days training about endoscopic surgery's techniques on spine (Uniportal, UBE, minimal invasive decompression, MIS TLIF) and about spine's deformations surgical treatments.

Conferences, discussions around clinical cases and workshops hands on over 10 anatomic subjects.

Coffee breaks and lunchs on site are included.

Conferences and workshops will be conducted in English (International event).

Chirurgienn(e)s orthopédistes spécialisé(e)s en rachis et Neurochiurgien(ne)s / Orthopaedics spine specialists surgeons and Neurosurgeons.

Niveaux minimum requis : interne en dernière année de formation chirurgicale / Minimum required level to participate : Resident.

Les tenues de bloc seront entièrement fournies à nos participant(e)s (gants, masques et casaques).

Prévoir de quoi prendre des notes lors des conférences et discussions.

Surgical outfits shall be granted to our participants ( gloves, masks and surgical gowns).

Think about bringing some notes taking's devices for conferences and talk sessions.


Day 1 : Minimal invasive surgery

7.30 – 8.30 pm


08.00 am 

Introduction to the Course and Welcome lecture.


08.10 am

Practical informations.


08.30 – 09.00 am 

CONFERENCE : Minimal invasive spinal surgery for lumbar stenosis : history and evidences. 

B. Bouyer

09.00 – 10.00 am

CONFERENCE : Different technics of minimal invasive decompression.

H. d’Astorg; G. Lonjon , N. Pellet, J. Tremlet 

10.00– 10.30 am

Coffee break

WORKSHOP : 7 hands on each station (fresh frozen cadavers)

10.30 am – 01.00 pm :

Minimal invasive decompression

·       Uniportal endoscopy 

·       UBE 

·       Minimal-invasive decompression with tube retractors

01.00 – 02.00 pm 

Lunch break

02.00 – 02.30 pm 

CONFERENCE: Modern practices in spinal traumatisms : contributions of percutaneous techniques

M. Huneidi

02.30 - 03.00 pm

CONFERENCE: Posterior cervical spine decompression : contribution of bone scalpels and laminoplasty implants.

A. Boishardy

03.00 – 03.30 pm

Coffee break

3.30 - 06.00 pm


·       MIS TILF

·       Percutaneaous osteosynthesis

·       Vertebral augmentation and vertebroplasty

·       Posterior cervical decompression and laminaplasty

6.00 – 6.30 pm  

Case discussion and questions about day 1st

8.30 pm : Buffet dinner (location to be announced)


Day 2 Deformities 

7.30 – 8.15 am


8.15– 9.00 am 

CONFERENCE : Spinal deformities classifications and principle of surgical correction. 

I. Obeid

9.00– 9.30 am 

CONFERENCE : Minimal-invasive correction of spinal deformities 

L. Boissière

9.30– 10.00 am 

CONFERENCE : Cervical anterior decompression and arthrodesis. Application to corrective surgery

C. Damade

10.00 – 10.30 am : Coffee break


10.30 – 13.00 am (30min each)


·       Ponte osteotomies, 

·       PSO, 

·       Extended PSO 

·       Bipolar constructs

·       Anterior cervical approaches 

·       Anterior cervical corporectomies

·       Anterior cervical arthroplasty

1.00 – 2.00 pm 

Lunch break

2.00 – 2.30 pm 

CONFERENCE : Anterior lumbar arthrodesis : place in surgical strategy, tips and tricks

P. Mathio / M. Campana.

2.30 - 3.00 pm

WORKSHOP : Anterior thoracic approaches : indications and limitations

C. Roscop

3.00 – 3.30 pm : Lunch break

3.30 – 5.30 pm 


·       ALIF

·       OLIF

·       Lumbar arthroplasty

·       Thoracotomy

5.30 – 6.00 pm : Case discussion and questions about day 2nd.

6.00 pm : End of the 2nd ICV Spinal Solution, Hands on Course.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Maîtrise des voies d'abord en chirurgie du rachis

Appréhension des différentes techniques d'endoscopie rachidienne

Maîtrise implants

Maîtrise dans l'implantation de matériel spécialisé

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Speaker Avatar
Dr. Ibrahim Obeid MD, MSc Spine Surgery
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Prof. Jean-Marc Vital Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique - Rachis
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Dr. Louis Boissiere Spine Surgeon
Speaker Avatar
Dr. Benjamin Bouyer Hospital Doctor, Spine Surgery Unit, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital
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Dr. Camille Damade-Martel Chef de Clinique en chirurgie orthopédique
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Dr. Pierre Laumonerie Orthopedic Surgeon
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L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique - Rachis

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