Training cover

Lithotripsy Live Case Observation in the operating theatre



Tenon Hospital,

4 Rue de la Chine, 75020, Paris, France



· 2 Avis

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À propos

3 places par session


Trainees will have the opportunity to observe several lithiasis surgeries performed by Professor Traxer in the operating theatre.

During the live cases, URS, fURS and lithotripsy procedures will be performed.

From 8.30 to 16.30

Stone management patient cases in the operating theatre, including group discussions and experience sharing between each case.

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Understand the main differences between TFL and other technologies

Learn Stone Management tips&tricks

Get knowledge about lithiasis patients managed with TFL technology

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Prof. Olivier Traxer Professor of Urology, Tenon Hospital, Paris, France
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