Training cover

Course 2: Benign Colorectal disease in young patients


BCI Academy


· 18 Avis

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À propos



The Bordeaux Colorectal Institute Academy is born from the ambition to carry a new concept of education in colorectal disease. Our Academy propose to the attendees to integrate an international community based on an integrative approach. The Scientific Board is made up of 24 international Key opinion Leaders with a trans-disciplinary approach.

This innovative programme allows a continuous and integrative online formation with the best leaders all over the world through the BCI Academy community.



  • « Deep pelvic infiltrating endometriosis » Isabelle Thomassin (10 min)
  • « The BIG rules in surgery for endometriosis » Benjamin Merlot (14 min)
  • « Digestive tract endometriosis» Horace Roman (12 min)

Social network and surgery

Social media and colorectal disease: why and how to use it ? - Deborah Keller (10 min)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • « Stoma in IBD » Laura Beyer (21 min)
  • « Robotic approach in IBD » Patricia Tejedor (13 min)
  • « Kock pouch : indications, tips and tricks ? » Pär Myrelid (16 min)

Ce que vous allez apprendre

Rules to consider before, during and after deep endometriosis resection

Salvage surgery after pelvic sepsis in endometriosis

Criteria to use stoma in IBD

Which surgical approach and the place of robotic surgery in IBD

When and how to propose continent ileostomy

Speakers icon


Speaker Avatar
Prof. Quentin Denost Colorectal surgeon, Bordeaux Colorectal Institute (BCI), Clinique Tivoli-Ducos, Bordeaux, France
Speaker Avatar
Prof. Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara Head of the Medical Imaging Department, Assistance Publique des hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), Paris, France
Speaker Avatar
Prof. Laura Beyer-Berjot Colorectal Surgeon, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM), Marseille, France
Speaker Avatar
Dr. Benjamin Merlot Gynaecological surgeon, Endometriosis Center (l'IFEM Endo), Clinique Tivoli-Ducos, Bordeaux, France
Speaker Avatar
Prof. Horace Roman Gynaecological surgeon, Endometriosis Center (l'IFEM Endo), Clinique Tivoli-Ducos, Bordeaux, France
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Dr. Patricia Tejedor Colorectal Consultant Surgeon, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain
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Public cible

L’évènement est à destination des praticiens ou spécialités ci-dessous :

Chirurgie cancérologique

Chirurgie viscérale et digestive

Médecine Générale

Radiodiagnostic et imagerie médicale - Radiologie interventionnelle

Interne en médecine

Chirurgie viscérale et digestive - Chirurgie colorectale


Gynécologie médicale

Radiodiagnostic et imagerie médicale

Chirurgie générale

Gynécologie médicale et obstétrique

Reviews icon

Les avis de vos pairs sur BCI Academy


Ashraf Ahmed A. - Médecine Générale




Arwa S. - Gynécologie médicale et obstétrique


Thank for this course


Dra Ethel M. - Chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaire



Eslam K. - Médecine Générale



Danielle M. - Psychologue



Cédric K. - Chirurgie générale


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