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Replay - Diaphragm and lung protection during mechanical ventilation


Vyaire Medical


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Mechanical ventilation can cause diaphragm injury (myotrauma) by a variety of mechanisms. An understanding of these various mechanisms raises the possibility of a new approach to ventilatory management, a diaphragm-protective ventilation strategy.

Deranged inspiratory effort is the main mediator of diaphragmatic myotrauma; titrating ventilation to maintain an optimal level of inspiratory effort may help to limit diaphragm dysfunction and accelerate liberation of mechanical ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation can cause diaphragm injury and weakness. A novel diaphragm-protective ventilation strategy, avoiding the harmful effects of both excessive and insufficient inspiratory effort, has the potential to substantially improve outcomes for patients

All clinicians with an interest in mechanical ventilation. Critical care and intensive care care physicians, Pulmonologists, Anesthesiologists, Respiratory Therapists, Critical care nurses and Biomedical engineers.

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Ewan Goligher Assistant Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada / Clinician-Scientist, Respirology, Critical Care Medicine Toronto General Hospital, Canada
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Intensive Care and Resuscitation

Respiratory Therapist


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