A fresh look on the management of patients living with their cardiometabolic diseases in 2024

3000 seats per session
Welcome to this Servier Medical Webinar entitled "A fresh look on RAAS in global hypertension management"
This webinar will be co-chaired by Prof. Mary RIZK (Egypt) & Prof. Mohammed CHETTIBI (Algeria).
The webinar will provide an overview of the management of patient with cardiometabolic comorbidities and scientific updates mainly in hypertension, type 2 diabetes & dyslipidemia management.
Your registration will give you access to the unique schedule from 6:00 to 7:15 PM, Paris time, on 13 February.
This webinar will be recorded and registered people will receive the webinar few days after the live event.
- Mary RIZK (Egypt)
- Mohamed CHETTIBI (Algeria)
Introduction – 6 min
- Mary RIZK (Egypt)
RAAS inhibiton evidence & therapeutic approach in hypertension management – 15 min
- Muzaffer DEGERTEKIN (Turkey)
Expert reflection on OAD's evidence & essential position in TYpe 2 diabetes management – 15 min
- Aslam AMOD (South Africa)
Strike Early and Strike Strong Approach in treating Dyslipidemia – 15 min
- Hani SABBOUR (United Arab Emirates)
Panel Discussion & Conlusion – 15 min
- All speakers
- Mohammed CHETTIBI (Algeria)
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