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REPLAY - Servier Scientific Symposium EANO 2024




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This is the replay of a Servier symposium entitled “Multidisciplinary clinical management of diffuse glioma patients: Is it still the era of watch & wait?” , held on 17th October 2024.

This symposium focused on the importance of having the patient as a key stakeholder of the disease management to have the most dynamic care and improve both outcomes and quality of life.

This session involved highly recognized specailits such as Matthias Preusser (Austria) and James Perry (Canada) as Chairs, both highly recognized neuro-oncologists, but also Joerg Tonn (Germany), Florien Boele (UK) and Donald Innes (UK – Patient Advocate).

The detailed agenda was the following:

  • Introduction - Matthias Preusser (Austria)
  • The Neurosurgeon Perspective: Why and How Going Beyond Surgery? - Joerg Tonn (Germany)
  • The Psychologist Perspective: How Much Quality-of-Life Matters, and can We Achieve Shared-Decision Making? - Florien Boele (UK)
  • The Patient Perspective: How can We Express Our Considerations and Develop Our Abilities to Act Empowerment? - Donald Innes (UK)

What you will learn

Understanding the importance of multidiscipinary management of diffuse glioma patients

Understanding the glioma patient perspective and how to enhance his empowerment

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Prof. Matthias Preusser Oncologist - Head of the Clinical Division of Oncology - Medical University of Vienna
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Prof. Joerg Tonn Neurosurgeon - Professor Emeritus - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
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Dr. Florien Boele Psychologist - Associate Professor of Medical Psychology - University of Leeds
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Donald Innes Glioma patient
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Dr. James Perry Neuro-oncologist - Associate Professor and Head​ Department of Medicine Division of Neurology​ - Sunnybrook's Odette Cancer Centre in Toronto
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