The Motiva Standard®: Powered by Science, Technology & Clinical Evidence - London
2 Savoy Place, WC2R 0BL, London, Royaume Uni
50 seats per session
2 CME credits
Join this course where you will learn with Dr. Alexandre Munhoz from Brazil, Dr. Jesús Centeno from Spain and local plastic surgeon Theodore Nanidis from a series of presentations and cases discusion.
Topics in this meeting:
-Implant Surface Technology
-Transition to Motiva Implants®
-Ergonomic Implants clinical experience and patient selection
-The Ergonomix2® Implant
-Pocket dissection and stabilization in different planes
-Reoperative Breast Augmentation
What you will learn
Discuss Hybrid Approach
Expand methods to discern ideal implant and pocket placement in primary and revisionary breast augmentation procedures
Surgical tips and tricks for the transition of micro textured implants to Ergonomix2® (advantages of a smooth surface of bioengineered and cell friendly)
Learn surgical tips and techniques using Ergonomix2® Implants
In depth review and understanding of the data behind The Motiva® Standard
This event is for specialists below
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery
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