Cells and fibers: what architecture shapes the human body?

33 minutes
Of cells, fibers, and the living human beings
Exploration of the relationships between fibrillar architecture and cells within the human body using intratissular endoscopy.
The research we have carried out in recent years has aimed to reestablish the importance of the extracellular environment.
In the film “Interior Architectures”, we concluded that the fibrillar structures, observed everywhere in the body, form our internal structuring architecture. They are not merely connective tissue, but actually the constitutive tissue of the body.
But how does the cellular world integrate with the fibrillar network?
This new film, “Of cells, fibers, and the living human beings”, based on a similar intratissular endoscopic experience in vivo, takes us for the first time on a journey into a world full of surprises, challenging certain accepted “truths”.
For example:
- Cells are not everywhere, and therefore are not responsible for the final shape of the body.
- Cells, vessels, and the fibrillar architecture are histologically inseparable.
- Cells progress, moving along the fibrillar vectors.
Nevertheless, the cells that inhabit this fibrillar edifice are responsible for the manufacture and production of the collagen matrix, which ensures their ability to function.
A new perspective for scientists
This film will persuade scientists to:
- Consider the cell in its natural environment—the human body.
- Explore how cells behave in ways that, until now, remained unnoticed when studied in vitro under a microscope or in a test tube.
Opening new fields of research
Our exploration of living human matter highlights surprising cellular behaviors. These discoveries open up new fields of research and investigation.