1000 seats per session
1 CME credits
Pulmonary Function Testing
Medical Directorship of a Modern Pulmonary Function Lab
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are imperative to the diagnosis of people with respiratory
symptoms, lung disease and disease management. PFTs require expertise to obtain both
high-quality tests and proficiency in test interpretation.
Join Dr. Thomas DeCato and Dr. Matthew Hegewald for an insightful educational webinar
on “Medical Directorship of a Modern Pulmonary Function Lab.”
• The importance of pulmonary function tests in understanding symptoms and diagnosing lung disease
• Learn expert recommendations for achieving high-quality test results efficiently and cost-effectively
Attendance of the session is mandatory to receive CRCE credit certificate (1.5 credits)
What you will learn
Providing recommendations for obtaining high-quality test results is an efficient manner