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ISFGS European Chapter 2022

€50.00 - €150.00



8 Rue Jean Antoine de Baïf, 75013, Paris, France

International Society for Fluorescence Guided Surgery


· 7 Reviews

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150 seats per session


IMPORTANT : Les inscriptions en ligne sont désormais closes, mais vous avez toujours la possibilité de vous inscrire directement sur place pour participer à l'intégralité du congrés ou simplement à une demi journée au tarif de 75€.

The event location will be :

Future4care - Watt-Biopark, 8 Rue Jean Antoine de Baïf - 75013 Paris

Download the program here

Head and neck surgeons


Pediatric surgeons

Plastic and reconstructive surgeons

Digestive surgeons

Thoracic surgeons

Gynecologic surgeons

Urologic surgeons



ISFGS European Chapter - 8 & 9 December 2022 


Pr David Fuks (Department of hepato-biliary digestive and endocrine surgery at Cochin Hospital | Greater Paris University Hospitals)

Dr Nicolas Golse (Hepato-Biliary Center of the Paul-Brousse hospital | Greater Paris University Hospitals)

Dr Ugo Marchese (Department of hepato-biliary digestive and endocrine surgery at Cochin Hospital| Greater Paris University Hospitals)

Pr Eric Vibert (co-founder of the BOpA Innovation Chair - surgeon at the Hepato-Biliary Center of the Paul-Brousse hospital | Greater Paris University Hospitals)

DAY 1: 08/12/2022

11:00am-1:00pm: Private ISFGS members board

2pm : Welcome Address - Luigi Boni (IRCCS - Ca' Granda – Policlinico Hospital and University of Milan - Italia) and Eric Vibert

2:15pm-4:00pm: Fluorescence in Digestive Surgery

Chairs: Sylke Schneider(Klinikum Südstadt Rostock - Germany), David Fuks and Luigi Boni

  • Liver Surgery: ICG patterns in liver surgery - Concepción Gómez-Gavara (Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campu, Barcelona - Spain)
  • Tips and tricks in fluorescence liver surgery - Ugo Marchese (Cochin Hospital, Paris -France) and Eric Vibert
  • Cholecystectomy: indications and results of fluo cholangiography. Dose and Timing - Patrick Pessaux (Hôpitaux Civils de Strasbourg - France) 
  • Colon: ICG in Colonic Surgery - Frederic Ris (Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève - Switzerland)

4:00pm-4:45pm: Coffee break

4:45pm-6:00pm: Future of fluorescence 

Chairs: Nicolas Golse (Hepatobiliary Center, Paul Brousse hospital, Villejuif - France), Alexander Vahrmeijer (Leiden University Medical Center - The Netherlands) and Jean-Marc REGIMBEAU (Service Chirurgie Viscérale et Digestive, CHU Amiens - France)

  • Interest of Intravenous Cholangiography With Indocyanine Green in the Context of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Grade 1 and 2 Acute Gallstone Cholecystitis (VIFCAL) - Hugo DEFIVES (Service Chirurgie Viscérale et Digestive, CHU Amiens - France)
  • Optical imaging for clinical pathology and surgery in oncology: A 15-year experience at Gustave Roussy - Muriel Abbaci (Gustave Roussy Institute, Villejuif - France)
  • Mathematical interpretation of dynamical fluorescence - Irene Vignon Clementel (INRIA, Saclay - France)

DAY 2 : 09/12/2022

9:30am-11:30am: Fluorescence in Miscellaneous Indications #1

Chairs: Daniel Rosenthal (Neurochirurgische Praxis Bad Homburg - Germany), R. Schols (Maastrich University - The Netherlands), Tomas Carus  (Elisabeth-Hospital - Germany)

  • Thyroid - Gianluca Donatini (CHU Poitiers - France)
  • Urology: ICG in Urologic Surgery - Ronney ABAZA (MD, FACS, Central Ohio Urology Group & Mount Carmel Health System Prostate Cancer Program, Columbus, Ohio, USA)
  • Pediatric surgery - Stefano Giuliani (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London - UK)
  • Plastic and reconstructive: Electronic - J R Van Der Vorst (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden - The Netherlands)
  • Gynecology - Nicolas Bourdel (CHU Estaing and Faculty of Medicine, Clermont-Ferrand - France)

11:30-1:00pm: Lunch + Stands

1pm-3pmFluorescence in Digestive Surgery

Chairs : Ludovica Badari (Policlinico di Milano - Italia) and Manish Chand (University College London Hospital - UK)

  • New fluorophores and targeted agents - Alexander Vahrmeijer (Leiden University Medical Center - The Netherlands)
  • Rectum - Laurents Stassen (Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum - The Netherlands)
  • Pancreas - Alexandre Doussot (Hôpital de Besançon, France)
  • Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery - Takeaki Ishizawa (Osaka Metropolitan University  - Japan) 

3:00pm-3:30pm: Arthrex Symposium

  • Clinical impact of liver and bile duct fluorescence: guided surgery - Eric Vibert (co-founder of the BOpA Innovation Chair - surgeon at the Hepato-Biliary Center of the Paul-Brousse hospital | Greater Paris University Hospitals) & Daniel Cherqui (Paul-Brousse hospital, Paris - France)

3:30pm-4:00pm: Coffee break

4:00pm-5:45pmFluorescence in Miscellaneous Indications #2

Chairs: Delia Cortés Guiral (Director of Institute Viamed of Advanced Surgical oncology - IVOQA, Spain), Eric Vibert

  • Thoracic surgery - Ilies Bouabdallah (Saint Joseph Hospital, Marseille - France)
  • Peritoneal Carcinomatosis - Delia Cortés Guiral (Director of Institute Viamed of Advanced Surgical oncology - IVOQA, Spain)
  • Breast - Vasileios Pitsninis (School of Medicine Ninewells Hospital and Medical School NHS Tayside - Scotland)
  • Head and Neck - Fares Benmiloud (Hopital Europeen, Marseille, France )
  • Multispectral camera - Sylvain Gioux (Imaging Research, Aubonne - Switzerland)

5:45pm: Conclusion of the congress - Raul Rosenthal (Cleveland Clinic, Weston - Florida) and David Fuks(Cochin Hospital, Paris - France)

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Eric Vibert Chirurgie viscérale et digestive
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Prof. David Fuks Chief of the Department of Digestive, Hepatobiliary and Endocrine Surgery - APHP Centre - Hopital Cochin
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Dr. Nicolas Golse Digestive surgeon
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Dr. Ugo Marchese Chirurgien viscéral et digestive
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Dr. Raul Rosenthal Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery and General Surgery
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Prof. Luigi Boni Chirurgie Générale
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This event is for specialists below

Visceral and digestive surgery

Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

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  • ISFGS European Chapter 2022

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4.5 · 7 Reviews

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